Hey guys!

For World Diabetes Day, I created 6 social media tiles for the World Health Organization. They were well received by the general public, especially on Instagram, having amassed 42.7k likes and in general did well on all the social media platforms.





The team and I worked really hard on the messaging for this campaign. As always it has been of utmost importance to us that we represent the diabetes community well, and the issues that concern them.

I learnt many things in the feedback and the reception of the posts:

  • Well drawn and thought out diabetes social media tiles is crucial. If I draw something incorrectly, it will not communicate the main message well.
  • The practice of graphic medicine is therefore incredibly important to maintain effective messaging and artistry of visual communication of diabetes issues and the discourse of healthcare.
  • I depended on my experience with comics for the layout and visual impact of the narrative. How many frames, perspectives and placement of text are all important considerations.
  • People living with chronic diseases deserve the respect of well-drawn and carefully thought out content.

This has made me even more inspired to be an artist who specialises in Graphic Medicine. I’m constantly inspired by this genre because of its ability to communicate complex issues in a thought-provoking way.

What issues concern you as someone that lives with diabetes? Are there certain things that you would like to see addressed in the future? 

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This website is a personal account of Type 1 Diabetes and should in no way be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical team if you have any questions regarding your own diabetes management. 


