eli lilly ceo david ricks deletes diabetics

At the end of last year, Eli Lilly CEO Dave Ricks deleted comments made by diabetics on his post, asking him to respond to why the cost of insulin is so expensive. U.S diabetics are dying from rationing insulin because of insulin manufacturers like Eli Lilly – their extortionate price for a vial of insulin have increased by 1400%, since 1996.

This comic is in collaboration with @itsmestacig and inspired by all of you who posted comments, only for them to go unanswered and deleted.

@itsmestacig posted comments for 6 weeks on his post, wanting answers, each one deleted, until finally Dave figured out there was a block button for instagram, and blocked her and other diabetics. So why is Dave Ricks deleting comments made by diabetics, and blocking them?

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