How to Guide - How to Test Your Blood Sugar

How to test your blood sugar 1
How to test your blood sugar 2
How to test your blood sugar 3
How to test your blood sugar 4
How to test your blood sugar 5
How to test your blood sugar 6

This is my “How To Guide” on How to test your blood sugar. This was supposed to be a simple demonstration…I’ve done this THOUSANDS of times!! But uh…things didn’t go quite as expected! 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Breda Dunne

    Loving your comics Janina! I listened to a podcast on Radio 4 from earlier this year called The Conversation and decided to check out your comics and am so glad to find them. They really do talk to so many of the frustrations and issues we have to deal with as Type 1 Diabetics – the day to day 24/7 management of it. Never get a day off. I’m a 64 year old diagnosed just before my 50th birthday with Type 1 – total shock.. Found it difficult at first to manage but over time better – though Consultant says I give myself a hard time as am doing fantastic but my impression is that the medics don’t expect as much of us as we sometimes do of ourselves. Enjoying your comics about the annoyances of tech not working, bleeping when would rather not, irritating things others say, the amount of kit we need to go do anything and all the considerations we have to make. People have no idea. Many thanks again and keep up the good work esp. anything that goes towards raising awareness of the outrageous cost of insulin and other products – big pharma screws people for their own profits – is criminal! (Am fortunate to live in the UK so get it all on NHS – for now anyhow – but who knows whether that will continue). My top diabetes tip is my glucose tablets – I don’t go anywhere without them – they are on the bedside cabinet all night and in my handbag/rucksack all day and the bsl raise is predictable with them. Best wishes, Breda

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